Documents d'enseignements pour étudiants- UE-308 Electronique Numérique L3E3A/LDD STAPS, Sciences pour l'ingénieur (zip).
- UE-332 Probabilités L3E3A/LDD STAPS, Sciences pour l'ingénieur (zip).
Book chapter
-F. Bouchard, A. Breloy, A. Collas, A. Renaux, and G. Ginolhac, "The Fisher-Rao geometry of CES distributions" in "Elliptically Symmetric Distributions in Signal Processing and Machine Learning", J-P. Delmas, M. N. El Korso, F. Pascal, and S. Fortunati (Eds), Springer, 2024 (pdf).
Journal papers
- S. Labsir, S. El Bouch, A. Renaux, J. Vilà-Valls, and E. Chaumette, "Cramér-Rao bound for Lie group parameter estimation with Euclidean observations and unknown covariance matrix", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 73, 2025 (pdf).Conference Papers
- S. El Bouch, S. Labsir, A. Renaux, J. Vilà-Valls, and E. Chaumette, "Full Slepian-Bangs formula for Fisher information on Lie groups", in Proc. of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2024 (pdf).
- S. El Bouch, S. Labsir, A. Renaux, J. Vilà-Valls, and E. Chaumette, "An intrinsic modified Cramér-Rao bound on Lie groups", in Proc. of International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION-2024 (pdf).
- S. Labsir, A. Renaux, J. Vilà-Valls, and E. Chaumette, "Intrinsic Slepian-Bangs type formula for parameters on LGs with unknown measurement noise variance", in Proc. of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2023 (pdf).
- S. Labsir, A. Renaux, J. Vilà-Valls, and E. Chaumette, "Borne de Cramér-Rao sur groupe de Lie avec observations sur groupe de Lie : application à SO(2)", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2023 (pdf).
- S. Labsir, A. Renaux, J. Vilà-Valls, and E. Chaumette, "Cramér-Rao bound on Lie groups with observations on Lie groups: application to SE(2)", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2023 (pdf).
- S. Fortunati, A. Renaux, and F. Pascal, "Etude à distance finie d'un R-estimateur pour la matrice de forme des distributions symétriques elliptiques complexes", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2022 (pdf).
- S. Fortunati, A. Renaux, and F. Pascal, "Robust semiparametric joint estimators of location and scatter in elliptical distributions", in Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP-2020 (pdf).
- S. Fortunati, A. Renaux, and F. Pascal, "Robust semiparametric DOA estimation in non-Gaussian environment", in Proc. of the IEEE Radar Conference, RADAR-2020 (pdf).
- F. Bouchard, A. Breloy, G. Ginolhac, and A. Renaux, "A Riemannian approach to blind separation of t-distributed sources", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2020 (pdf)
- S. Fortunati, A. Renaux, and F. Pascal, "Properties of a new R-estimator of shape matrices", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2020 (pdf).
- F. Bouchard, A. Breloy, A. Renaux, and G. Ginolhac, "Riemannian geometry and Cramér-Rao bound for blind separation of Gaussian sources", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2020 (pdf)
- L. Bacharach, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, F. Vincent, A. Renaux and M.N. El Korso, "An example of non-standard behavior of a maximum likelihood estimator in the large sample regime", in Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, CAMSAP-2019 (pdf)
- F. Bouchard, A. Breloy, A. Renaux, and G. Ginolhac, "Bornes de Cramér-Rao intrinsèques pour l'estimation de la matrice de dispersion normalisée dans les distributions elliptiques", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2019 (pdf).
- A. Mian, L. Bacharach, G. Ginolhac, A. Renaux, M. N. El Korso and JP. Ovarlez, "Designing SAR images change-point estimation strategies using an MSE lower bound", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2019 (pdf)
- L. Bacharach, A. Renaux and M. N. El Korso, "Prior influence on Weiss-Weinstein bounds for multiple change-point estimation", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2018 (pdf).
- C. Ren, A. Renaux and S. Azarian, "Performance bounds for change point and time delay estimation", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2018 (pdf).
- Chaumette, F. Vincent, A. Renaux and J. Galy, "Generalized conditional maximum likelihood estimators in the large sample regime", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2018 (pdf).
- L. Bacharach, G. Bibiche, A. Renaux and M. N. El Korso, "Bornes bayésiennes pour la localisation d'un point de rupture : Application à des processus exponentiels", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2017 (pdf).
- A. Breloy, A. Renaux, G. Ginolhac and F. Bouchard, "Borne de Cramér-Rao intrinsèque pour la matrice de covariance des distributions elliptiques complexes", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2017 (pdf).
- L. Bacharach, M. N. El Korso, A. Renaux and JY. Tourneret, "A Bayesian lower bound for parameter estimation of Poisson data including multiple changes", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2017 (pdf)(same
paper with proofs pdf).
- N. Kbayer, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, F. Vincent, A. Renaux and P. Larzabal, "Estimation accuracy of non-standard maximum likelihood estimators", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2017 (pdf).
- J. Galy, E. Chaumette, F. Vincent, A. Renaux and P. Larzabal, "Lower bounds for non-standard deterministic estimation", in Proc. of IEEE Sensor Array Multichannel Workshop, SAM-2016 (pdf).
- L. Bacharach, M. N. El Korso and A. Renaux, "Weiss-Weinstein Bound for an unknown abrupt frequency change", in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, SSP-2016 (pdf).
- L. Bacharach, A. Renaux, M. N. El Korso, and E. Chaumette, "Weiss-Weinstein bound for change-point estimation", in Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, CAMSAP-2015 (pdf).
- J. Galy, A. Renaux, E. Chaumette, F. Vincent, and P. Larzabal, "Recursive hybrid CRB for markovian systems with time-variant measurement parameters", in Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, CAMSAP-2015 (pdf).
- C. Ren, M. N. El Korso, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "Une nouvelle approche de résolution limite dans le cadre d'estimation paramétrique multidimensionnelle", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2015 (pdf).
- C. Ren, J. Le Kernec J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "Borne de Cramér-Rao sous contraintes pour l'estimation simultanée de paramétres aléatoires et non aléatoires", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2015 (pdf).
- C. Ren, M. N. El Korso, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "Performances bounds under misspecification model for MIMO Radar application", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2015 (pdf).
- C. Ren, J. Le Kernec J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "A constrained hybrid Cramér-Rao bound for parameter estimation", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2015 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, A. Renaux and P. Forster, "CRLB under K-distributed observation with parameterized mean", in Proc. of IEEE Sensor Array Multichannel Workshop SAM-2014 (pdf).
- C. Ren, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "A Ziv-Zakai type bound for hybrid parameter estimation", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2014 (pdf).
- C. Ren, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "High resolution techniques for Radar: myth or reality?", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2013 (pdf).
- C. Ren, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "Une borne inférieure de l'erreur quadratique moyenne pour l'estimation simultanée de paramétres aléatoires et non-aléatoires", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2013 (pdf).
- R. Boyer, M. N. El Korso, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Coexistence of near-field and far-field sources: the angular resolution limit", in Proc. of 3rd International Workshop on New Computational Methods for Inverse Problem, NCMIP-2013 (pdf).
- C. Ren, J. Galy, E. Chaumette, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "Hybrid lower bound on the MSE based on the Barankin and Weiss-Weinstein bounds", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2013 (pdf).
- A. Renaux, R. Boyer and S. Marcos, "Lower bounds on the MSE for mixed far-field and near-field sources direction-of-arrivals", in Proc. of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2012 (pdf).
- N. D. Tran, R. Boyer, A. Renaux, S. Marcos and P. Larzabal, "Theoretical multidimensional resolution limit for MIMO radar based on the Chernoff distance", in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2012 (pdf).
- N. D. Tran, A. Renaux, R. Boyer, S. Marcos and P. Larzabal, "Radar MIMO en présence d'erreurs de modèles : une approche par les bornes de Cramér-Rao", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2011 (pdf).
- D. T. Vu, A. Renaux , R. Boyer and S. Marcos, "Borne de Weiss-Weinstein pour la localisation de source polarisée à l'aide d'un réseau de capteurs COLD", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2011 (pdf).
- D. T. Vu, M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Résolution limite angulaire : appoches basées sur la théorie de l'information et sur la théorie de la détection", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2011 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, A. Renaux, R. Boyer and S. Marcos, "Bornes inférieures de l'erreur quadratique moyenne pour la localisation de sources en champ proche", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2011 (pdf).
- D. T. Vu, A. Renaux , R. Boyer and S. Marcos, "Weiss-Weinstein bound and SNR threshold analysis for DOA estimation with a COLD array", in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2011 (pdf).
- D. T. Vu, M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Angular resolution limit for vector-sensor arrays: detection and information theory approaches", in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2011 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "GLRT-based framework for the multidimensional statistical resolution limit", in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2011 (pdf).
- N. D. Tran, A. Renaux, R. Boyer, S. Marcos and P. Larzabal, "MIMO radar in the presence of modelling error: a Cramér-Rao bound investigation", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2011 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Statistical resolution limit for source localization in a MIMO context", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2011 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Statistical resolution limit: application to passive polarized source localization", in Séminaire sur les Systèmes de Détection : Architectures et Technologies DAT-2011 (pdf).
- E. Chaumette, A. Renaux and P. Larzabal, "New trends in deterministic lower bounds and SNR threshold estimation: from derivable bounds to conjectural bounds ", in Proc. of IEEE Sensor Array Multichannel Workshop SAM-2010 (pdf).
- D. T. Vu, A. Renaux , R. Boyer and S. Marcos, "Closed-form expression of the Weiss-Weinstein bound for 3D source localization: the conditional case", in Proc. of IEEE Sensor Array Multichannel Workshop SAM-2010 (pdf).
- D. T. Vu, A. Renaux , R. Boyer and S. Marcos, "Performance analysis of 2D and 3D antenna arrays for source localization", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2010 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Statistical resolution limits for multiple parameters of interest and for multiple signals", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2010 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Expressions non-matricielles des bornes de Cramér-Rao pour la localisation de source en champ proche", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2009 (pdf).
- D. T. Vu, A. Renaux , R. Boyer and S. Marcos, "Analyse des performances de réseaux de capteurs 2D et 3D pour la localisation de source", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2009 (pdf).
- M. N. El Korso, R. Boyer, A. Renaux and S. Marcos, "Non-matrix closed form expressions of the Cramér-Rao bounds for near-field localization parameters", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2009 (pdf).
- E. Chaumette, A. Renaux and P. Larzabal, "Lower bounds on mean square error derived from mixture of linear and non-linear transformations of the unbiasedness definition", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2009 (pdf).
- P. LaRosa, A. Renaux, and A. Nehorai, "Barankin bounds for multiple change points estimation: computational aspects", in proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, CAMSAP-2007 (pdf).
- S. Bay, C. Herzet, JM. Brossier, JP. Barbot, A. Renaux and B. Geller, "Bornes bayesiennes pour l'estimation de phase évoluant au cours du temps", in Proc. of the Colloque GRETSI 2007 (pdf).
- S. Bay, C. Herzet, JM. Brossier, JP. Barbot, A. Renaux and B. Geller, "Derivation of a Bayesian Cramér-Rao bound for dynamical offset estimation", in Proc. of VIII IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC-2007 (pdf).
- E. Chaumette, J. Galy, F. Vincent, A. Renaux, and P. Larzabal "MSE Bounds conditioned by the energy detector", in Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2007 (pdf).
- A. Renaux, P. Forster, P. Larzabal, and C. Richmond "The bayesian Abel bound on the mean square error", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2006 (pdf).
- A. Renaux, P. Forster, and P. Larzabal, "Une nouvelle approche des bornes bayésiennes", in Proc. of Colloque GRETSI 2005 (pdf).
- A. Renaux, P. Forster, and P. Larzabal, "A new derivation of the Bayesian bounds for parameter estimation", in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP-2005 (pdf).
- A. Renaux, P. Forster and E. Boyer, "Non asymptotic efficiency of a maximum likelihood estimator at finite number of samples", in Proc. of European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-2004 (pdf).
- A. Renaux, E. Boyer, P. Forster and P. Larzabal, "Non-efficiency and non-gaussianity of a maximum likelihood estimator at high signal-to-noise ratio and finite number of samples", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-2004 (pdf).
- P. Forster, E. Boyer, P. Larzabal and A. Renaux, "Non-efficacite et non-gaussianite asymptotiques d'un estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance à fort rapport signal sur bruit", Actes du Dix-Neuvieme Colloque GRETSI 2003 (pdf).
- Contribution à l'analyse des performances d'estimation en traitement statistique du signal. PhD thesis, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, FR, July 2006. (pdf)
- Contributions aux bornes inférieures de l'erreur quadratique moyenne en traitement du signal. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Paris-Sud University, Orsay, FR, Dec. 2011. (pdf)